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Hair Transplant

Are You Experiencing Hair Loss?

If you are one of the millions of Americans today who are suffering with hair loss, hair transplant options may be the solution you are looking for. Today’s modern hair transplants are minor outpatient surgical procedures that remove whole hair follicles from one part of a patient’s scalp to another. Today, hair transplant procedures are offering remarkable, natural and permanent solutions for those who suffer from hair loss.

At Capri Hair Restoration, we offer state-of-the-art hair transplants to our patients who have suffered the physical and emotional consequences of hair loss. With offices in Bensalem, PA right outside of NE Philadelphia, New York City and Woodbridge NJ, we make it easy for you to consult with one of our hair transplant specialists to determine the best option for your unique hair loss situation.

Natural hair loss or thinning affects almost all people as they age but nearly 40% will experience more than just the normal loss of hair due to a combination of genetics and hormones. Androgenetic alopecia, or male pattern baldness, affects men and women alike. Today, more men and women who suffer from genetic balding look to hair transplant procedures over other methods as it enables their own healthy hair to grow naturally again. Find out how Capri Hair Restoration can restore your hair and your confidence.

Safe, Natural, And Permanent

Completely safe and natural, there are numerous benefits to a hair transplant procedure when hair loss has become a problem.

  • Because the donor hair is from the patient’s own scalp, the transplanted hair is as consistent in color and texture as the rest of the patient’s hair. The results are so natural looking that the average person would never be able to tell that a transplant had been done.
  • Hair transplant procedures use no chemicals or medications that cause damage to the hair follicles. No special shampoos or treatments are required to maintain the quality of the transplanted hair.
  • New hair growth typically begins after 2 to 3 months and complete recovery is experienced within 8 to 10 months.
  • This new hair growth can be treated just like any original hair on the head in the way of styling or cutting.

When you come to one of our offices for a consultation, we will discuss how simple and effective a hair transplant surgery can be.

Feel More Confident With A Hair Transplant

Symptoms of hair loss can begin as early as the 20’s and 30’s in men, but most typically occurs in women after menopause. This type of hair loss can have dramatic effects on self-esteem and confidence.

In a culture that places a great amount of value on appearance, many people who suffer from hair loss struggle with how it affects the way they see themselves. From simple daily communication to getting an important job, studies have shown that appearance weighs heavily in any social interactions we have.

Consequently, hair loss can have a dramatic impact on the way individuals feel about themselves, often making them feel as if they look older and not as attractive.

Transplants Using Your Own Hair

Modern hair transplant techniques that we use are a permanent and affordable solution for those men and women who are suffering from androgenetic alopecia. Transplants are a minor surgical procedure that moves hair from one portion of the scalp to the thinning area.

Using hair from donor sites on the patient’s own head, hair follicles are harvested and transplanted to those thinning areas. This not only affords a natural and permanent solution but the transplanted hair looks, feels, and behaves the same way as the patient’s other hair. Since the donor hair is genetically different in composition, it will not succumb to the same hair loss and thinning as the original hair follicles did.

The hair transplant methods we utilize today at our surgical center in Bucks County, PA right outside of NE Philadelphia are state-of-the-art techniques. Performed by our experienced hair transplant surgeon as an outpatient procedure, grafts of donor hair that are removed under local anesthesia from the patient’s own scalp. They are then transferred to the thinning or balding areas and the affected areas are allowed to heal normally. The new grafted hair will continue to grow throughout the lifetime of the patient.

If you are suffering from hair loss and would like to discuss solutions, call the offices at Capri Hair Restoration. We are dedicated to offering the most natural and permanent solutions to hair loss available today. We will diagnose your particular hair loss and discuss whether you are a good candidate for one of our procedures.

Capri Hair Restoration is committed to offering affordable, professional, and natural hair transplant procedures to individuals in Greater Philadelphia, New York City, Northern New Jersey and nationwide, who have experienced unsightly hair loss. Call (877) 602-2774 now to see how today’s new hair transplant techniques can renew your confidence and self-esteem with natural and permanent solutions.

Call (877) 602-2774 today for your free consultation!

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